Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:30pm
This is for Teens aged from 11yrs upwards, where they get to choose what they want to learn! This session includes floor skills and equipment, inflatable track, group balances, routine work and socialising with friends!
They work floor, vault, beam, bars with a mix of abilities in the session. These gymnasts can enter recreational competitions or can work on group floor routines to music including balances, lifts and dance for external display events.
Gymnasts work with the coaches to decide the content of these sessions to help them achieve what they want to learn!
These sessions will typically include:​
15 minutes warm up & stretching;
20 minutes floor skills such as handstands, walkovers, round-off's & flics;
60 minutes equipment rotation;
15 minutes conditioning & cool down
Wednesday | 6:30pm - 8:30pm