New Club Structure
Cotswold Gymnastics Club is moving to ‘Cotswold Gymnastics Club
Casc Limited’ this took place on 1st October 2023

The Future of the Club
Cotswold Gymnastics Club first opened 39 years ago and is currently managed by a Committee as an unincorporated organisation. The Committee deals with overall decision-making for the club, including but not limited to, expenditure, club strategy and HR. As a result, this makes them liable.
At the Club AGM held on 28th April 2023, the Committee proposed that Cotswold Gymnastics Club should incorporate and become a Company Limited by Guarantee. This proposal was agreed upon.
Information about the change
Brief overview of what the changes are and how they impact you and the club.
Helping out the Club
The club can only function through a mix of paid and volunteer members. If you would like to be more involved in the day-to-day operations of the club, helping us and the gymnasts succeed. Please look at our Vacancies page or contact our Club Manager by clicking on the button below.
Answers to the key questions, but if you have any further questions or require further clarification, we are holding a drop-in session with our current Committee Members on Saturday 8th July from 9 am - 2 pm where we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
What is a Company Limited by Guarantee?
It is a form of legal entity which is used primarily by not-for-profit organisations. A company limited by guarantee has members whose liability is limited by its Articles of Association, to such an amount as the members undertake to contribute to the assets of the company in the event the company is wound up.
Why the Change?
There are four main reasons why our club would benefit from becoming a Company Limited by Guarantee:
The club itself can enter legal contracts e.g. to own/lease property, to have a water bill, to get computer services as at a “business rate” rather than having Committee members or employees “signing on behalf of the club”.
In the event of an insurance claim against the club – the club itself is responsible and not the Committee Members.
It is possible for the club to have credit – to get a credit card to buy equipment or to get a loan to make building repairs.
The Club would have the opportunity to apply for grants/loans from various funding sources, which are not available to an unincorporated organisation.
Will the Club still be a CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club)?
Yes, the Club will register the new Company under the CASC scheme and its regulations.
What does this mean for the club?
The club will be run by a Management Committee and overseen by a Board of Directors. The Management Committee will define the club’s strategy, make operational decisions and deal with the day-to-day running of the club including, approving expenditures, reviewing fees and fundraising and handling any HR or membership issues.
The Board of Directors will ensure the club meets the legal obligations in line with Company Law, and have the ability to put on hold any Management Committee actions deemed to; Threaten the financial and long-term stability of the club, Damage the reputation of the club, not meet the club's objectives as set out in the Articles of Association
The Club will need to transfer all its assets and membership details over to the new Club structure, including a new bank account.
What does this mean for me?
We will require consent for your gymnast to become a member of the new company and to transfer your personal data and any sensitive data from the current club over to the new company (Club). We will also require you to guarantee the sum of £1 to the new company which will be the limit of your liability in the event that the new company is ever wound up and is not able to pay its debt.
A new membership form will need to be completed, which will state the above, including the new Club's details. You will also need to set up a standing order with the new club's bank details as the previous account will be dissolved.
Does this new change mean I am liable if there is a claim or an accident?
By entering into the New Club's agreement of membership, there would be a nominal amount up to the value of £1 that each member would be liable to pay should the Company (Club) not be able to pay its debts. That is where your responsibility would end. No action would come against you personally.
Will my gymnasts session, coach or location change?
From time to time there may be a need to change session times, location etc for your gymnast or they may progress to the next level. However, there will be no change as a result of the new club set-up.
Will my fees change?
There will be no change to your fees as a result of the move to the new club structure. The Club is a ‘not for profit club’ and any changes to fees are normally generated once a year and have to take into account rises in costs to the club which we try to limit where we can.
What if we don't want to transfer our membership to the new structure?
Anyone who wishes to continue to participate in activities at the Club will need to transfer their membership to the new Company, as the old organisation will cease to exist once all assets are transferred.
Whats next
The current Committee members and Directors are currently working through all the financial and legal processes required to fully transfer the club. We will be in contact once we are in a position to start signing members over to the new club. Most documentation will arrive by email, so please keep an eye out for anything from the club.